ROMP - The Randomly Oscillating Magnetic Pendulum. A flat metal plate with a magnet suspended above offers endless possibilities to create unique and unusual flight patterns. Designed to illustrate the chaotic and random forces that effect us all, ROMP is also just plain fun. ROMP's swinging pendulum darts and dodges through magnetic force fields that you setup using the included magnets. These periodic energy 'tugs' cause the pendulum to erratically drift through the magnetic fields thus exhibiting total chaos (random systems, by nature, are unpredictable). There are no rules but there is a small booklet that explains magnetic fields and how they work. For the young scientist or old veteran this toy will provide a lot of fun!

We have only 2 left in stock. Get yours at S$24.90!

Important! Read How to Order

4 Want to Buy:

Anonymous said...

Name: Nuraini Osman
Payment Method: POSB

These are the items I'd like to purchase
(ii)Desktop Boyfriend
(iii)Moodles - Boy
(iv)Moodles - Girl
(v)Suddenly Snow
(vi)Bite Me Memo Clips
(vii)Mrs Field's Lip Balm



minxuan said...

Hey Nuraini,

Is your email correct?
We're trying to reach you but our mails are not getting through.

Anonymous said...

so sorry... my email is

it was missing an "a". good thing i checked back here... thanks again...

Anonymous said...
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