Ipod Earphone Speakers

Sometimes bigger IS better, especially when it comes to sound. That's why we took a puny pair of earbuds, put them in our highly technical Way Big machine, and created one 500 times the size of the original! Prepare to get blown away at your desk when you hook up this set of oversized earbud speakers to your computer, CD or MP3 player! Big fun, booming sound and a great conversation piece.

These speakers include a built-in amp, and they're powered by either 3 AAA batteries, USB (included), or a standard wall-plug power supply (not included). Comes with audio and USB cable. Rating Power of 3 Watt.

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2 Want to Buy:

Anonymous said...

hey, how much is this speaker and will you be bringing in new stock?

Anonymous said...

i would buy this if you had stock! please let me know when you do (: